College is an exciting time that comes with a lot of weird transitions. You're learning to navigate a new social scene, trying to set boundaries with your messy roommate, and keeping up with your classes - all at the same time! These are huge adjustments, and while finding your place is part of the college journey, it’s okay if you find yourself freaking out a little bit.
As someone that moved from New Jersey to attend college 8 states away, and then moved to Florida on my own, I know firsthand the challenges (and rewards!) that come with major life transitions. I’m here to help you navigate this new chapter with a bit of guidance and a lot of understanding.
In our sessions, you will learn to navigate complex relationships, tackle transitions, and make decisions that align with your goals. You deserve to feel supported as you step into this new chapter in your life.
Navigating the transition from college to “real life” can feel overwhelming and uncertain. This period of change brings new challenges, from finding your first job to managing adult responsibilities. You might feel lost at times, unsure of where to go next, and that’s perfectly okay. It’s normal to experience doubt and confusion as you step into this new chapter. Embracing these feelings and allowing yourself the space to explore them can help you gradually find your way and build a path that feels right for you.
In our sessions, you’ll learn to manage new career challenges, navigate shifting social dynamics, and make choices that resonate with your future goals. You deserve to feel supported as you step into this exciting new chapter of your life.